These terms and conditions ("Terms", "Agreement") govern your use of the SahayaManjari website ("Website") operated by KOU-CHAN AI INNOVATION LABS PRIVATE LIMITED ("us", "we", or "our"). Please read these Terms carefully before using our website.

The website will display advertisement poster upon receiving a request by the advertiser by mail to sahaya@kouchaninida.com

The Users (Parents/siblings/caregivers registered on www.sahayamanjari.com) of the website can advertise the products or services rendered by the PwD or his/her parent/sibling.

Any business unit or NGO offering products or services for the benefit of PwDs may also send a request for the advertisement on the website, by providing all the details as required.

Upon receiving the request by mail, team SahayaManjari will scrutiny the content of the advertisement, and the kind of goods or services upon which a confirmation mail will be sent within 3 working days of receipt of request mail. If required, we may ask for more details to our satisfaction, for the purpose of success of the advertisement.

The confirmation mail will contain further details upon which the advertiser may accept or reject the offer by the team SahayaManjari.

Team SahayaManajari will take steps to renew the advertisement for display after every 6 months which will be notified to the advertiser.

Both advertiser and the team SahayaManajri has right to renew or discontinue the advertisement.

Team SahayaManjari reserves the right to accept or reject or suggest modification for before posting the poster on the website.

The poster should include the contact details of the advertiser apart from the description of the products or services. The advertised has to provide necessary art work of the poster. In case the advertiser wants us to develop, it will be charged separately.

The viewers of the advertisement should contact the advertiser for more details.

Team SahayaManjari is merely a platform where the advertisement is displayed. We refrain from any responsibility of any kind of mis happenings, short service, payment issues, damage or whatsoever risk in the products or services offered by the advertiser.

The buyer and the seller of the product or service should take all precaution as they are independently coming in contact with each other as in normal course of a contract. SahayaManjari accepts no responsibility with regard to products or services delivered by Advertiser.

Any kind of dispute or legal action should be between the buyer and the seller and should be resolved as per the jurisdiction of the land. Advertisers have to comply with all the applicable laws of land.

Specialist Terms & Conditions

A specialist in any field connected to serve the PwDs can send request for display of his/her profile and photo.

The website will display the photo and the profile on receiving a request by mail to sahaya@kouchaninida.com

Team SahayaManjari is merely a platform where the advertisement is displayed. We refrain from any responsibility of any kind of mis happenings, short of service, payment issues, damage or whatsoever risk in the services offered by the advertiser.

The specialist and his client should take all precaution as they are independently coming in contact with each other as in normal course of a contract.

Any kind of dispute or legal action should be between the User and the Service Provider and should be resolved as per the jurisdiction of the land.

The terms and conditions may be changed at any time and the Users and advertisers must periodically get updated in this by reading these terms as often as possible.