Last Updated: 02 April 2024

The website, is purely an information provider for the purpose of identifying support facilities and professionals available in India.

1. The User provides information available with them at the time of utilising the services. However, there might be change of address, contact number over time. The Users are requested to update contact information of the referred service providers in case of changes.

2. The Users may opt to share their contact number or email ID for others to get in touch with them.

3. Since the address and phone number of facility centres may change, the Users have to check either with the information provider or on Google search.

4. Satisfaction and benefit from any service for facility centres is normally very subjective. Hence, Users are requested to restrain from negative feedback on the service providers/centres. The Users are also not responsible for any level of satisfactory services in future.

5. The User may opt to hide his/her contact details, in which case they are not visible to other Users.

6. As a policy, the name and address of the PwD is not disclosed.

7. The website does not use the data for any other purpose such as advertisements, sell to any other organization for any purpose or use for any promotion of products or services except to inform on the updates in the website. However, relevant information will be shared with legal authorities when approached.

8. The User may WRITE A MESSAGE in the MESSAGE BOX or EMAIL to to deactivate his/her profile. However, the information and the data already filled in will continue to show to other users for their benefit.